I want to travel and invest in my business...and travel. So my two cents to anyone battling with financial decisions is to seriously. Seriously. Take some time to prioritize...can't take the shiny things with you when the curtains close, and you'd be surprised by how fly some of those pieces you haven't touched in years look with the right accessory or when rocked with confidence.
That said, I'm awful at remembering to take pictures of my vintage pieces, pre-alterations. But just imagine big, bulky pieces made for women much more curvy, taller, thicker than lil ol' me and check out the below "after" shots. Picture these gems accessorized (it's near my bed time, so it ain't happenin').
Uche Egele is a fashion designer and my go-to-gal for revamped pieces...I haven't quite figured out how I'll manage to survive when she goes off to school at FIDM in the fall. But while she's here, hit her up on Twitter at @FashunMogul2b or via email at um.egele@yahoo.com. She.Is.Everything.
This lovely vest is something I found at a thrift store last year for less than 5 bucks (I never spend more than $5 on an item at a thrift store), bought some new buttons from Hobby Lobby, got it taken in a bit and voila!
Ha! This was actually my brothers suit jacket from when he was like 4. He's now 27. I love it, it's unbelievably difficult to find tailored jackets for my frame. We cut the sleeves some because they were cutting off my circulation;).
This is my Jackie Kennedy jacket. I will be spotted in this many times. A thrift store find from like 2 years ago...got it taken in and been in love ever since.
I'm a skirt gal...big time. This used to belong to my great-grandma, who had a waist as small as mine and...you know the rest. Granny was bad to the bone. We were able to keep the pockets, and it actually gives the illusion that I have hips! Ha!
The back. Love the unassuming slit.
Stay tuned..perhaps I'll remember to do the before shots next time.