I LOVE My Hair & A Little Sunshine

Posted by Unknown at 6:10 PM
After a few weeks of several bizarre happenings on a personal, professional and spiritual level, I was asked to be a part of something that's so special and beyond necessary. No matter who you are, we all need to be inspired...we need to be wowed. And wowed was I...

I was asked to to be featured on Crossroads with the amazing-iconic Melanie Lawson. The segment focused on the "I Love My Hair," song from Sesame Street, which is the result of a conversation between an adorable Ethiopian princess named Segi and her parents. Segi is a 5-year old who, like many of us (and our nieces, daughters and mentees) struggled with the idea of  having "different" hair and expressed her curiosity to her parents. Her dad, Joey Mazzarino, is the head writer of Sesame Street, and is also the Muppeteer who wrote the song.

The concept of having a "hair complex," is a real and manifested truth, and sadly it takes shape in the lives of adult women as well as children. What I left out in the segment is that it's absolutely crucial to instill a sense of confidence in the little ladies in our world. I always used to wonder why my mother was constantly giving me praises about my dark skin and my coarse hair. Thank God she never allowed me to rely on the standards that society's set forth as beautiful.

*Side note- Have you seen Kanye's Runaway video? So relieved to know that artists are still pushing the envelope with the goal in mind to SHAKE up our society....

Anyway, the original "I Love my Hair," video was pure perfection. Please share it and/or the news segment below with the little girls in your world and LOVE your HAIR;)

And to spread some happy....gotta love this little lady. Her energy is contagious! Watch Now...