2010 Rocked...and was Rocky: Lessons Learned

Posted by Unknown at 11:15 PM

I won't waste your time with a boring New Years resolutions list or joy-kill your day by talking about how awful 2010 was. It just wasn't that bad. I want to share a few lessons I learned in 2010 as a friend, wife, business owner, employee and daughter of Richard and Beverly Perry.

1. The best part of adulthood (opposed to high school and college), is that you get to choose who your friends are. I lost many "friends" in 2010 and I chose not to pursue a friendship with several folks. Yeah, my going-out roster is sort of short....but my life is so much more authentic and the friends I do have are appreciated beyond words.

2. My advice to married folks or soon-to-be is to have fun. My friend @artchild gave me this advice and I live by it completely. I have the most fun with my husband and we try to always show each other something new about the world. Always a surprise.

3. Being a business owner is a huge sacrifice. I mean HUGE. Everyone's not meant to do it. But if you're going to do it, be a business person first and a person of your craft second. Too often we're so excited about our passion and we neglect the idea of being a business person. We have to do better.

4. Sam Fine said it best: "There's a difference between gaining exposure and being exploited." I learned and owned my worth in 2010. Bout time!

5. I truly believe that we owe it to our parents to be in a position to take care of them. I forgot about that for a minute...but now that I've been reminded I'm about to get even more beasty on ya'll;).

I say forget the goals, commitments and the plain out stressful strategies. Just plan to be better in 2011. So much that you look back and ask yourself, "What the heck was I thinking in 2010?" Blessings.

Photo Creds: Brian Ellison


When Being a Compulsive Shopper Becomes a Drag...

Posted by Unknown at 1:01 PM

About 9 months prior to my wedding earlier this year, I made the vow to not shop anymore. I did pretty good, only breaking my vow on special occasions where cocktail dresses were warranted and when a heavier coat was needed for travel.

Since then I've managed to only go on mini-splurges when traveling or thrifting. However, I've since developed a greater appreciation for the clothes that I currently own and my love for the real, real thrift stores has grown significantly. When you're a true thrifter, it becomes increasingly more difficult to justify spending insane amounts of money on "designer" brands and vintage clothes that are stupidly marked up.

So, one day reality struck. What started happening was, I'd go out and buy an outfit for an event. Wear it. Then go home to my closet and think, "Dang, I forgot about this dress." Which is usually one of my favorite pieces that I don't get enough wear out of. 

(This is just a snapshot of the insane amount of unworn clothes I own)

While I'm not quite as crafty as the New Dress a Day gal, in desperate times I've turned dresses into skirts, dresses into blouses and more. As of Friday, December 10th 2010 I will no longer buy clothes until January 1st 2012. The only exception will be for wedding attire, jewelry, undergarments and shoes (specifically flip-flops...I'm way too rough on them), and the occasional travel necessities. Essentially, I will not be going on any impulsive sprees. Or making any impulsive purchases for that matter. 

Stay tuned for my remixing, self-disciplined and sometimes frustrating journey. I'll also post about my financially liberating experiences;).

Fashion.Tech.Brilliance: My Top Picks for Fashion Brands Dominating the Web

Posted by Unknown at 11:24 PM
While some fashion brands are slightly hesitant to embrace the world of transparent accessibility that comes along with new media, many have jumped on board and are seriously rocking on the web. Check out my top picks for fashion brands dominating the web.

1. Ralph Lauren - Often referred to as the world's most cinematic luxury brand, Ralph Lauren recently hosted a “digital extravaganza,” to conjure up and communicate the world of Ralph Lauren at epic scale and to celebrate the launch of the company’s “digital flagship” in the UK. Check out some of the behind the scenes footage:

2. The Gap - They've recently launched an inspiring video campaign that asks the questions, “If you could give anything in the world, what would it be?” The commercial features several major influencers such as Foursquare co-founders Dennis Crowley and Naveen Selvadurai, and Community star Donald Glover. It's shot beautifully and for each “Like” one of the videos receives on Facebook, $1 will be donated to the charity featured in the video.

3. H&M - They just rock. One of my favorite brands to stalk online, H&M appears to have a 24 hour social media strategy in place, that includes responding, engaging and sharing good, solid information. Not a lot of complexity, just using social media as a creative platform to communicate with their consumers. Below is a clip from their Street Style files in Shanghai. Enjoy, and drop a line about your favorite fashion brands on the web.

I LOVE My Hair & A Little Sunshine

Posted by Unknown at 6:10 PM
After a few weeks of several bizarre happenings on a personal, professional and spiritual level, I was asked to be a part of something that's so special and beyond necessary. No matter who you are, we all need to be inspired...we need to be wowed. And wowed was I...

I was asked to to be featured on Crossroads with the amazing-iconic Melanie Lawson. The segment focused on the "I Love My Hair," song from Sesame Street, which is the result of a conversation between an adorable Ethiopian princess named Segi and her parents. Segi is a 5-year old who, like many of us (and our nieces, daughters and mentees) struggled with the idea of  having "different" hair and expressed her curiosity to her parents. Her dad, Joey Mazzarino, is the head writer of Sesame Street, and is also the Muppeteer who wrote the song.

The concept of having a "hair complex," is a real and manifested truth, and sadly it takes shape in the lives of adult women as well as children. What I left out in the segment is that it's absolutely crucial to instill a sense of confidence in the little ladies in our world. I always used to wonder why my mother was constantly giving me praises about my dark skin and my coarse hair. Thank God she never allowed me to rely on the standards that society's set forth as beautiful.

*Side note- Have you seen Kanye's Runaway video? So relieved to know that artists are still pushing the envelope with the goal in mind to SHAKE up our society....

Anyway, the original "I Love my Hair," video was pure perfection. Please share it and/or the news segment below with the little girls in your world and LOVE your HAIR;)

And to spread some happy....gotta love this little lady. Her energy is contagious! Watch Now...


Girl Power: Sarah Nezamzadeh

Posted by Unknown at 7:51 PM
I met this young lady over a year ago at a fashion show for our Medley client, Village Girls Boutique. She weeerked the runway and represented for the petite gals. Fashion Stylist Sarah 
Nezamzadeh is so on her industry hustle and her enthusiasm towards life is contagious. Get to know her and check out some of her work below.

Q. What is your advice to other women trying to break into the fashion industry?

A. Network, DUH!
To be honest, I’d probably be more “star-struck” by most of the people I’ve friended on facebook and haven’t met in person than some of these big wigs in the industry. I probably wouldn’t even recognize Anna Wintour if she was standing next to me [Not even going to lie – That totally happened at Fashion Week in September]. 

Five years into the game and I’m still “getting my feet wet,” but moving to NYC was the single best thing I could have done for my fashion career. I applied to Parsons and got in [Believe me, I was surprised too] – I was excited to move to New York to attend school but I was even more excited for the opportunities that could arise in a new location. I had built a great foundation in Texas and was looking to expand. It’s hard not to get distracted from school with so many opportunities here but I am so grateful to finally be in a place where people truly appreciate my talent and where I am surrounded by others who are also passionate about similar interests and are willing to help me grow.

[SPEAK!] You absolutely cannot be shy in this industry. People want to know what you can do for them and what makes you better than the next guy in line. Network yourself with the RIGHT people, people who are always looking to grow and don’t have egos the size of an elephant’s ass (I won’t mention any names) - 9 times out of 10 everyone who I spoke with before I was “introduced” into the Houston fashion scene was looking to collaborate. We really do have a lot of talent that goes unrecognized but hopefully all that will change after Houston Fashion Week. I would personally like to take the time right now to thank everyone I had the pleasure of working with prior to moving to New York for such wonderful opportunities – Without them, I definitely wouldn’t be where I am today. With that being said, it is also very easy to get blacklisted [!!!] – This industry is a very large, and very small. Chances are if you don’t know someone, the person you’re working with does, so always maintain a sense of professionalism (says the girl who harasses her male models).

Q. What are your thoughts on diversity in the fashion industry?

A. I love that more and more demographics are being represented in the industry. Often the public identifies “fashion” as a super skinny, fair-skinned female with no curves. So much has changed in such a short period of time and I think it’s due to a lot of companies focusing on going global and really reaching out to their target market across the globe. Cultural awareness is so important, especially in the fashion industry.

Q. Describe your personal style:

A. 32 flavors and then some…
Most people think you have to have designer to be stylish. I think I have 2 designer handbags? One was a gift to myself [Retail Therapy] and the other was a gift from a show I helped coordinate - I had no idea how expensive the gift  that was given to me was until I got to New York and my roommate almost had a heart attack.
I’m not really into “fashion” – I just like fancy business.

Q. Who are your fashion icons? 

A. I don’t have one. My biggest inspiration is Pee-wee Herman!
*Pee-wee Herman Show on Broadway opens at the end of the month if anyone is interested in getting me tickets (and a hot date) for my birthday. 

Q. How do you achieve work, life, balance?

A. WORDS TO LIVE BY: It’s not lack of time, it’s lack of direction. Everyone gets 24 hours in a day.



To keep up with Sarah on the social circuit, friend her on Facebook.

Image of Sarah: (Photo Credits: Photo BABAK) 

Social Media Tips for Event Planners

Posted by Unknown at 11:11 PM

Many of our Medley Inc. clients prioritize their branding needs in the following order:

1. Events
2. Public Relations
3. Social Media

Yet based on several events we've coordinated over the past year, we recommend the following order:

1. Events
2. Social Media
3. Public Relations

We encourage our clients to launch their social media campaign simultaneously with their event. PR is often a natural result of the event + social media. Here are a few of my tips for social media for event planners:

1. Invite A-listers/Celebs Who GET Social Media

The ROI for this is incredible. When a key player at an event is twitpicing, uploading photos to Facebook and engaging with other users and event attendees instantly, you quickly gain exposure to their following and influencers. You've also done what many PR agencies outline in their campaigns: You've given you're event celeb power in a major way.

2. Implement Live Q & A

Whether it's real time Q & A (via Twitter or Facebook) with a presenter/host, or a live stream chat following the event- audience interaction is a must. How cool is it that you can be sitting in the absolute worst seats at an event, but still be closer to the host/presenter than the front row VIPS?

3. Real Time Feedback, Real Time Response

Tune into the negative buzz before it becomes viral and respond. Quickly.

Say you're having an event and an attendee is griping to his or her social media circle about the lack of interaction and face to face connections. You then can take it upon yourself to dazzle this "griper" with your charm and quickly turn those tweets into a positive trending topic. To keep my "ear to the streets" I sware by Twitter Search, Ubertwitter search option and for ongoing web monitoring- Google Alerts.

4. All Events are National..Global, really

Folks are connecting to you from thousands of miles away, and will literally convey that they "feel like they were there," when the social media for your event is done right. Make it a point to be inclusive when targeting event attendees. Yes, invite Sarah from Boston. She WILL tweet about how much she wished she were there in sunny California. She WILL tweet about the event live stream to all of her followers. Online participation can be just as essential as physical presence.

5. Events Become Communities

When possible, get a trending topic for your event going several weeks before the event. Host an online forum before and after the event. Attendees are creating their own community before, during, and after events. They really don't need us (event planners, business owners) to do their thing. They've likely been following each others tweets and are thrilled about the in-person acquaintance, so much that it only makes sense to keep the conversation going. Stay relevant in the dialogue by creating a platform where those participants can keep the conversation going. Get creative, and think of ways to stay in the loop.

These are my tips. Yes, I am completely in awe of how the scope of things have changed for professionals in the PR and Events industry. Isn't it lovely?

(Photo Creds: Brian Ellison)

Putting My Degree to Use: Journalism Gal

Posted by Unknown at 9:53 PM
So I've recently had to revisit my former passion for writing, and surprisingly it's been...pretty dope!

While I still claim to not be a fashionista (once you make that claim, you must be fly everyday...something I don't think I strive to do daily) - I DO love fashion and it's actually fun to write about, so long as I can express my love for the not-so-trendy pieces, and my vintage cravings.

I've recently discovered a serious interest in travel articles and as always...my brand is still being developed. I will never be the gal who limits herself to one hat...too many fab ones to choose from;). Here are a few of my recently published articles.

Join JONES at Fashion Week via Live Stream

While the JONES team, thousands of New Yorkers, designers, celebs and models are hitting the pavement at Mercedes Benz Fashion Week, the rest of America is turning to the web to keep up with the latest news. Luckily, several designers are now “hip” to the digital world and are no longer constrained by the idea of fashion exclusivity as it relates to new media. Read More...

Kelly Rowland and Girlfriends Host a Weekend of Fundraising

Kelly Rowland kicked off a weekend of fundraising in Houston, TX to benefit her non-profit organization, I Heart My Girlfriends. The weekend events included a private Q & A session with local teenage girls about empowerment, a Fall-Out 2010 Fashion and Step Show, and a private Silent Auction and Brunch. Read More...

Editor’s Picks: Ashley Small’s 6 Must-Have Fashion Finds for Fall

The word "Ecstatic" can't begin to describe the ardor I felt after attending Fashion Group Internationals Fall 2010 Trend's event held at Neimen Marcus, in Houston, TX. The runway previews featured trends with feathers, lace, lots of sheer, textures…and more textures! Thanks to FGI, my fashion cravings have officially kicked in for the season. Here's the skinny on what I'm dying to get my hands on this fall. Read More...

What Dreams Are Made Of: Parrot Cay Resort

When major celebrities and taste makers like India Arie, Bruce Willis and Donna Karen wish to escape the inner-city haste, they flee to Parrot Cay, a 1000 acre private island in Turks and Caicos that is more than dreamy.

Day's spent there are long and nostalgic, yet the leisure activities and indulgent treatments leave guests wishing for just a few more hours in the tranquility and comfort found at Parrot Cay. It's a perfect getaway for both the professional and the retired and is a painless four hour flight from the big apple. Read More...

Thanks for reading;). Have a lovely weekend!

Girl Power: Kristi Jackson Mba Broker

Posted by Unknown at 7:20 PM
I'm sort of an undercover feminist who secretly takes joy in the fact that women truly do rule the world. As such, this is a first of my Girl Power posts and I am quite pleased to brag about this gal to you all. 

First, you should know that we've only been e-introduced, via Facebook, yet her personal brand resonates online...big time. Second, you should know that I'm humbly motivated and inspired by women who find their purpose and master it. In a nutshell, this girl rocks...and while my free-spirit and constant urge to travel and to shift environments will not allow me to become a homeowner anytime soon- when I do, on her I shall call. Get to know her...Kristi Jackson.

Q. Define your personal brand:

A. Unapologetically ambitious, aggressive and tenacious in working for my clients, and consistently improving my business. My desire is to teach, to learn, to share and to grow, within my business and personal space.

Q. What is your advice to other aspiring entrepreneurs?

A. Start with a plan, setting specific and timely goals, take action immediately, don’t listen to negative naysayers, and don’t be afraid to fail. Ever tried, ever failed, no matter. Try again. Fail, fail again. Fail better. -Samuel Beckett

Q. Describe your personal style?

A. My personal style is mixture of classic pieces with pops of color, unexpected accessories and shapes and a smile….

Q. Who influences you?

A. I am continuously inspired and influenced by women entrepreneurs who go against the grain, follow their own paths, and created their version of success. Like Oprah Winfrey, Mellody Hobson and Lisa Nichols.

Q. How do you achieve work, life, balance?

A. Finding your work life balance is different for everyone, and usually changes from year to year with increasing responsibilities and goals. Because I love what I do- working and learning how to become a consummate, uber professional businesswoman, every single day and every single “to do”, doesn’t necessarily feel like work. I pay attention to my body and treat myself when it’s time to recharge. I also gallivant to special places several times a year exercising another hobby and love- historic international travel and shopping.

To keep up with Kristi on the social circuit follow her on Twitter at @atjacksonrealty
or on her website at www.jacksonrealtyandinvestments.com.

5 People to Stalk on Twitter

Posted by Unknown at 8:37 AM

My initial thought a few weeks ago was to write about the dynamics of social media usage in a multi-ethnic world. In fact, I was so excited about it that I declared my plans to write about it on Twitter. Shame on me right? It shall come...just seeking a bit more inspiration.

In the meantime, folks are finally starting to have conversations about how minorities use Twitter...and it's causing quite a stir. I think, for the most part this article by

So, while inspiration-seeking, I decided to create a list of my 5 favorite tweeps to stalk who (in my opinion) are necessary to follow if your goal is to always be in a diverse space. Some of them I know personally, some I literally stalk on the web, all are great examples of personal brand development via the web. All keep my social media world connected to the real world in a major way...yes, comfort zones exist on the web, and I truly believe they have the ability to have a negative impact on your social life. So read on my friends, and if approval is granted- stalk these tweeps in real life too;).

1. @AzizAnsari- He sort of killed it at the MTV Awards with his R. Kelly/Avatar/BP spoof performance, but I recently stumbled upon him on Twitter after doing a twitter search for Kanye (yes, I'm crazy in love with Kanye's...brilliance). Anyway, this guy has mastered the #predictingkanyetweets and when Youtube falls short, I look to his twitter stream for my daily dose of funny.

2. @Katriname- She's a PR Maven, a dear friend, a sometimes burlesque model, and a social chameleon. Her tweets are comprised of hip-hop lyrics, tech fascinations, and a lot of keepin' it realness. Yes, she's that uncensored, witty tweep that you truly hope to meet in person one day.

3. @Travelingsavage- I'm simply inspired by his positive energy and his Twitter bio which reads, "Writer. Traveler. Explorer. I'm going round the world one month at a time with a focus on experiential travel all while balancing a wife and house in the burbs." Assuming the wifey is cool with his travel adventures, I think its pretty dope that he's living a fulfilling life while occasionally dodging bears.

4. @Cosmopolitician- Does her name really need an explanation? Luv this gal because she truly defines what it means to wears many hats, she's always up and at em' and she inspires me to try to love Houston a lil' bit more. Houston through her tweets is a tech, fashion, arts & culture melting pot that is soon to be loved and adored by the world. Follow her. Now.

5. @SamFineBeauty- While there are many reasons to love Sam Fine and his work in the makeup industry, I truly adore his expertise offered in the Twitterverse. Unlike most celebs, or chefs to the stars, hair stylists to the stars, etc. who use Twitter as a one-way form of communication- the majority of Sam's Twitter stream, is comprised of him answering beauty questions from his fans.

All of these lovelies help keep my web world in a happy place. Who do you follow to help keep your social media space lovely and diverse?

(Picture courtesy of www.icanhascheezburger.com)

Obsessions: Antique Lamps & Chandeliers

Posted by Unknown at 2:06 PM
So I was told be a certain young man that it is absolutely okay to blog about flowers, and cupcakes, and chandeliers...if that's what my heart so desires. Hopefully I can inspire someone else to share their "happy things," with the world, or at least share with me where they've found some of their obsessions and we can go on a virtual stalking excursion together. Currently, I'm obsessing (and daydreaming) about antique lamps & chandeliers.

Since I no longer have creative freedom, as it relates to interior design (marriage compromise...ugh), I can't deck our place out in shiny, girlie things but can only fantasize about the day that I'll have my own entire side of the house which I'll lace with all sorts of frilly and fluffy things. In the meantime- here are a few lighting lovelies for you to adore.

Ummm...yeah. If chandeliers could be considered beasty...this would be a beast. I would match this with simple, clean furniture. Not plush or velvet furniture- chandeliers always are matched with "luxurious" fabrics. This does, however deserve a a deep, yet bold backdrop. This is the quintessential chandelier- with no name.

I can't even lie- when I hear the prefix "eco" I automatically feel the need to tune in to promote environmental awareness, but at the same time, I usually expect to find something a bit simple-chic on the other side. But not here. GREENCulture offers one of the largest selections of energy efficient lighting fixtures on the web.

If I were a lamp, I would look like this. It's yellow (my color lover) and it looks like there's never a dull moment in the room in which it resides. This is me...as a lamp. It can be found on one of my favorite sites to stalk, Brownrigg @ Home.

Tiffany Lamps. Truly the inspiration behind this post. I visited the Art Bar in Houston last week, and literally felt like I could live there forever. Aside from their silly, southern dress code (different post, different day), the place was the bomb and I've been in chandy land ever since.

What are your obsessions? Would love to hear...

It's So Hard to Say Goodbye

Posted by Unknown at 9:05 PM
To my antique Singer Sewing Machine. But it was an impulse buy. I had not intentions of every using it...plus I have a newer one- from the 80's (Upgrade), courtesy of my dad's garage of wonders and random finds. This is a sad ending to what could've been healthy, productive relationship...

Email me at aminortsu@gmail.com if interested in giving this lovely lady a new home.

When I Make Videos...

Posted by Unknown at 8:56 PM
I want them to be just.like.this. Not only are the clips below shot incredibly well (clean cuts, few add-ins, and I kind of feel like I can reach out and grab a few of those lovely finds featured), the music inspires a skip around my desk and the subjects are...pretty awesome. 

By the way, I'm one step closer to finding my celeb-style idol. Nicky Hilton is a peep-toe wearin' vintage fanatic. I thought we shared a fashion kinship until she revealed her love of studded purses and monogrammed things...ah well. The search resumes...

Brand Stalking: The Top 5

Posted by Unknown at 10:11 PM
Oh, yes. These are the brands I frequently stalk because of their marketing insanity (in a good way), their personable approach to retail and customer relations, and their magic tools and tactics that come across so effortless and non-evasive. These are the brands that I patron simply because of their clever marketing strategy. 

Yes, I'm a victim...but when done so well, the least I could do is buy a bar of soap here or there or travel a few extra miles to fill up my gas tank. Ah, the things we do for love...

1. Dove-  Aside from the fact that I'm kind of addicted to Glee, and have seen the Dove Glee for All commercial too many times to remember- Dove just has this way of giving me a virtual hug and letting me know that it's okay to be girly, cheesy and full of compassion. Yes, Dove knows what a woman wants.

A woman wants to reminisce, and feel good about spending hours pampering herself (you know how we inherently have that guilt trip thing goin' on). Women want to reflect about the moments in our lives that were beyond blissful. So when women are at that 9 to 5, that they loathe with a passion...and probably daydream about quitting- Dove appears in their Facebook or Twitter streams and asks:

Kinda took you down memory lane huh?

2. Southwest Airlines - I often refer my Medley lovelies to their blog to do a little stalking of their own. Simply put...they get it. 

They're social media imaginations are constantly stirring up new concepts and ways to provide better customer service. Now I must admit- my web experience with SWA is much more pleasant than my real world experience. But when I find myself becoming slightly frustrated on a 4 hour flight, with hardly any room to breathe, and a flight attendant who disappeared 3 hours ago - I just take mental notes and look forward to all of my concerns being resolved via @Southwestair on Twitter;).

3. Quicktrip - Imagine a gas station with hot dogs, taquitos, over 10 slushy flavors, superb customer service, and clean restrooms....sounds too good to be true, heh? Or sounds like a lot going on at a gas station? 

The folks over at Quiktrip have successfully managed to turn a place that's typically associated with repulsive restrooms, barely edible snacks, and a depressing reliance on gas into an exclusive, friendly, neighborhood store...and they're growing...big time.

4. RockSTARtravelers - They've only been on twitter for about a month now (after much coercing from me)- but have jumped right in and are now one of my favorite tweeps to stalk. They don't discriminate when it comes to airlines or hotels, and they are simply on the web to share knowledge and information. It's incredibly refreshing, and my guess is that it will lead to great things for this city-hoppin' duo.

5. Time Magazine - I'm an accidental subscriber turned lifetime subscriber...long story, different post. Like most publications, Time has managed to successfully cross-promote their digital and print efforts with a seemingly smooth and effortless approach.

But where Time wins me over is in the content. Journalism is key here...and they remind me that some media outlets don't think they can just sell us "fluff," pieces, or mediocre reporting. I stalk Time...big time, and would like to specifically thank Joe Klein for his brilliance.

Stalk-worthy to you? I'd love to hear what brands you stalk simply because of their marketing brilliance...

Purposeful Living: Photography by Brian Ellison

Posted by Unknown at 3:22 PM
Sometimes brilliant careers are born from simply living on purpose and in your spare time learning new hobbies that make your heart flutter:). Sometimes I find myself paying attention to a friends hobbies from afar...and then one day I think to myself, "Ummm...this is pretty dope. When did he/she start doing this?" The thoughts that follow are, "I wonder who's there publicist, do they have a website, oh...this could be big." 

And then I calm back down.

I'd like to share with you a brief Q & A with my friend and Creative Rockstar, Brian Ellison...oh, and of course check out his lovely work below as well.

Q. Tell us about yourself? Define your brand?
A. I'm from Tulsa, OK- born and raised, I went to Morgan state University in Baltimore, Md on  a football scholarship but the arts was something that I have always been interested in. Poetry, Music, Painting, Photography anything that knows no limits when it comes to self expression are the things that intrigued me most. I got into photography first in high school when I enrolled in the class my junior year and was hooked ever since. I would describe my brand as "RAW" I really appreciate the simple things in life. Moreover, I like to capture smiles, laughter and emotions in it's purest form those are the things that mean the most to me when shooting photos.

Q. Who is Brian, the professional? 
A. I  am ambitious, spontaneous and thrill seeking. I don't like to do what everybody else does in the same fashion that they might have did it.

Q. Who/what is your inspiration? 
A. My inspiration is life and it's essence to capture pictures that speak volumes without even speaking is my inspiration photography is poetry standing still.

Q. What is your ideal vacation spot? 
A. I haven't been to this location just yet but I would love to claim this as my ideal vacation spot  the Oshun garden In west Nigeria.

Q. What are 3 things that most don't know about you?
A. At one point after my college career I was an amateur boxer. I am the oldest of 8 children at 25. I did theater in high school and in college.

To contact Brian, email him at spoken77@gmail.com.

Does Anybody Make Real Hits Anymore?

Posted by Unknown at 11:51 PM
Well...what I really meant was, "Does anybody appreciate positive television shows that highlight successful minorities doing their thing anymore?" (I just happen to be a huge Kanye fan- despite the super-sized ego, hence the title).

I was seen on a few episodes of
Centric TV's reality series, Keeping up with the Joneses and am just wanting to get a sense of what folks really thought about the show. Season 1 is over, however everything you saw on TV was...pretty accurate. The magazine did go national, the team is still in between Houston & NY, and it really is something we've worked hard and tirelessly at for years.
Check out a few of the videos below from season 1, and visit
Centrictv.com to view all 8 episodes. 

Update: I've removed the videos because they had this auto-play feature that was driving me and I'm sure all of my blog visitors INsane. However the videos can be viewed online by clicking here. Thanks!