1 Year of No Shopping= My Best Year Yet

Posted by Unknown at 10:51 AM
First, I'd like to start by thanking the lovely and brilliant founder of the Women CEO Project, Kristi Jackson for inspiring this post. She brought it to my attention that we (Medley) had a really good year...which just so happens to be the year that I haven't shopped- at all. The year that I decided that investing in my business, traveling, up cycling and improving my overall quality of life- was more important than clothes.

Who knew?

The success of the company this year, is a result of so much more than just my goal to not shop- but I'd be lying if I said it didn't enhance my world a bit.

And now I have no desire to shop or spend my money on frivolous things. A guilty pleasure, form of therapy, desire to spoil myself through retail- no longer exists. Now I've learned to be fulfilled. Simply fulfilled.

Here's a recap of how it went down and my lessons learned:

1. It all started as a result of an amazing collection of vintage pieces that once belonged to my great grandmother. I think she'd be pretty excited about her first appearance on a national TV show...watch here:

2. For the first time, I attended Mercedez Benz Fashion Week in New York, on behalf of Status Management Group with Kevin Jeffries. HE is everything and a major blessing....there are some people who promise to invest in your career and your future. And there are others who just do. He is the latter.
See how I stretched my wardrobe at MBFW here: UPDATE: Life as a Non-Consumer...Not Even During Fashion Week.

3. Overall, the challenge allowed me to awaken my sense of fashion....which I had no clue even existed. Here's an archive of my posts, documenting the journey and a photo collage of some of my favorite looks:


December 2010- When Being a Compulsive Shopper Becomes a Drag...

My biggest take-aways from 2011 are...

1. Goal- setting is cool...especially when you stubbornly and aggressively pursue them.

2. Kindness always wins. Sometimes it's just not worth the battle, often times the kinder person wins.

3. Take yourself seriously. Or no one else will...this was my year of looking insecurity right in the eye. 

4. Manage expectations. This has pretty much been my mantra for the entire year. I learned to say "No," a lot more often, and I candidly advised others to, "Just tell me no," if they feel too pressured to commit.

5. Love and faith. The two things that I hope will never change as the years go by. When I look back at what counted most over the past year, it's being surrounded by love and having unwavering faith.

Thanks for reading friends! Know that there's always something to smile about, and that challenging yourself can open up entirely new chapters of your life. Until 2012....;)!

"Megan's Bracelet" Epilepsy Awareness Month

Posted by Unknown at 1:56 PM
via P.S. You're Lovely 

Hello Lovelies,

November is a very special month and I hope you will support this cause that means so much to me. My best friend, Megan Ford, was diagnosed with Epilepsy this past summer and it has completely changed her life at the age of 25.  Through her struggles I have learned there is not much education out there about Epilepsy and many misconceptions about how it affects the every day lives of many people.

November is Epilepsy Awareness month so I want to do my part to help education the masses and donate to the research. The color for Epilepsy Awareness month is Purple so for the month of November P.S. You’re Lovely will have some special pieces and $5 for each purchase will go to Epilepsy Research in honor of Megan Ford.

Throughout the month I will post information about Epilepsy, Megan’s personal story, and different pieces that you can purchase to support the cause. An "Epilepsy Awareness Month" page has been added to the blog where the pieces will be showcased.

Megan's post: I Have Epilepsy.

Take the "Get Seizure Smart" Quiz today and start educating yourself TODAY!


P.S. You're Lovely

Check out the ETSY shop
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Support the Girls and Knockout Breast Cancer with Wacoal

Posted by Unknown at 4:26 PM
(Fit Specialist, Deborah Lamica and I)

Last week I had the pleasure of attending a stylish, intimate event at Houston's premiere luxury hotel, Hotel Zaza, hosted by the global lingerie company, Wacoal. The event was held in Zaza's Rockstar Suite and included a sushi/veggie bar, champagne+berry infused drinks and adorable swag bags. In addition to all of the royal treatment we received at the event, it was also a space for knowledge sharing and product education. My two biggest take-ways from the evening were:

1. A yearly bra fitting is a must. Shame on me for underestimating "The Girls." Discovered that I needed to go up a few sizes and felt relieved to know that these back pains weren't simply a result of bad posture. Apparently, I have a small back so extra support is needed, especially since I spend at least 12 hours a day hunched over the computer.

2. Get a fitting = Support Breast Cancer Awareness. When you attend a Fit for the Cure event in your area and get a bra fitting, Wacoal will donate $2 to Susan G. Komen for the Cure®. Also for any purchase made during the event, $2 of the purchase will also be donated to Susan G. Komen.

Fit for the Cure is a series of events held at department stores across the nation such as Macy's and Dillards. Click here to see when the next event is happening in your city.

Below are additional pics from the event as well as a few facts on how Wacoal has impacted Breast Cancer Awareness through their community-based programs.

To date, Wacoal has:
  • Donated more than $2.7 million to
    Susan G. Komen for the Cure®
  • Held 10,397 Fit for the Cure events
  • Fit over 507,242 women
Do support "the girls" by attending an upcoming event. Check out their site for more information: www.wacoal-america.com.

Special thanks to Dee Brown of Morning Cup of Style for introducing me to the brand;).

UPDATE: Life as a Non-Consumer...Not Even During Fashion Week

Posted by Unknown at 4:02 PM
It's been a while since I've posted about my journey of not shopping in 2011....and oh boy has a lot happened. Good things. For starters, I filmed a segment for KTRK ABC 13's show, Deals. The segment is focused on my  goal to not shop and how I'm reaching it by remixing/up cycling my grandmother's wardrobe. It airs on September 24th.

In addition, I just came back from Mercedes- Benz Fashion Week and was able to stay disciplined in my goal. Well....with the exception of shoes and accessories (which were never a part of the original plan). After a long day of shows, I broke down and bought two pair of ballerina slippers from Forever XXI ($30 total) and one of my dresses had an extremely exaggerated neckline so I was forced to purchase a scarf from TJ Maxx ($20) to avoid any wardrobe malfunctions. Not bad, right? 

Wanna know how I pulled it off? The following is breakdown of my wardrobe during MBFW:

Day 1: This is the above mentioned dress that had a deep neck- line. I was excited to wear it because my first day there was muggy but not quite cold, so I thought the sweater material would make sense. I ended up pairing it with a scarf after realizing how exposed I was and the effect it had on my confidence. No one wants to feel like everywhere they go, eyes are drifting everywhere but to your face...know what I mean? I bought the dress from a thrift store last year for less then $7 and the belt was a gift from my mom earlier this year. Overall, the look ended up being more frumpy than I usually like.

Day 2: The above photo of June Ambrose and I was taken by none other than my Fashion Week Fairy Godfather Kevin Jeffries of Status Management Group. The necklace, a borrow from my friend and client Stacy Robinson-Newton, top- an old tank from American Apparel, skirt- one of my grandmother's. Had it taken it and vow to never part ways from it. It actually garnered the attention of MTV- Germany....the pic above is from a street style segment I did with them.

Day 3: Another thrift store find from a few years ago, I paired it with black booties and of course a chunky silver necklace from Charming Charlie. Chunky necklaces were a staple item for me during the week. Looking back, I wish I would've packed a red belt.

Day 4: The blouse, another vintage piece from my grandma. The skirt, a black lace mini from Express a few years ago- every woman should own a black mini.

Day 5: This outfit actually made Essence Magazine's Street Style gallery. The blouse is yet again one of my grandma's vintage tops paired with shorts that my hubs purchased for me in May. They're from Urban Outfitters. Shoes, belt and glasses...from thrifting over the years.

 Day 6: This is perhaps my favorite look. I love effortless, timeless fashion. Nothing like a simple tank, paired with a chunky necklace and super chic pants. These pants will never go out of style....and even if they do I won't care;). The top is another tank I've had for years from American Apparel, the pants a gift from vintage boutique, Memoirs of Vintage.

Day 7: This was my final day at Fashion Week (tear, tear;)...and this look seemed to be the favorite amongst my Facebook family. The blouse is perhaps my single most favorite piece in my wardrobe and once belonged to my grandmother. Unfortunately, the irony here is...my friends loved the look, but it was awfully painful to wear. Mostly because of the gold belt that was intended for someone with a much more narrow waist line (yes, I'm happy to boast about being a size two now;). Otherwise, I did enjoy wearing it. 

I actually bought the skirt last year during fashion week at H & M. Unlike this year, I made a last-minute decision to attend fashion week, coming directly from Jamaica (long story, different post) and had to buy a few pieces to get me through the week.

Stay tuned for my post on Do It While You're Young (DIWYY) on how to cover fashion week within a budget;).

5 Essentials for New York Fashion Week

Posted by Unknown at 8:30 PM
First I'd like to thank everyone who's been keeping up with me on Twitter and Facebook as I correspond live (via social media) at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Spring 2012. I appreciate your support, retweets, kind words...and think about you when my back starts to ache, anxiety creeps in and when I get the urge to throw my tech gadgets out of the window due to malfunctions.

'Tis true, this city will eat you alive if you allow it to. That said, below are my suggestions on how to survive...boldy and fiercely during NYFW. And don't fret my lovelies- recaps from the shows are on their way;).
1. Back-ups- As in shoes. I purchased the Dr. Scholls roll-up slippers in Houston, only to realize they wouldn't stand a chance against these...ummm, pretty gross New York streets. I love the city, but I'd be lying if I said it was known for it's environment or beauty. The beauty of the city takes place at night, when the crowds are moving and the skyline is brightly lit. Nothing compares.

2. Tablet- I've been on the fence for ages it seems, about purchasing an ipad. Mostly because I'm a small business owner and refuse to purchase every new gadget that's introduced to the market...no time for trial and error purchases. However, I would never again lug around a 13' Macbook Pro during fashion week.

You start the day off looking polished and confident, with nothing but a jazzy laptop bag and a smile....and by days end your leaning sideways, with a bag filled with random swag from events and the pair of heels you thought you were looking fine in now stuffed at the top of your bag and poking you in the arm. DO invest in a tablet.

3. A Partner- I'm on the fence about this one...but having been alone for most of this trip I have to share the pros and cons. The pros to traveling solo are that you're forced to network and make new friends. You tend to move a little quicker, are much more decisive...and sometimes you just need a chance to brush up on your social skills without the confidence of a charming guy from New Jersey (aka Ryan Small...I'm green with envy of him and his ability to work the room).

On the other hand, an aggressive partner like both of my colleagues- will help you build two or three times as many relationships. You'll work as a team to network.

A partner is great to have when you need an extra push to stay out and have some fun, or when you could use the energy of another person to keep you going. Lastly, it's cool to have a partner because...(this might sound shallow), it's a total bummer asking a stranger to take a pic of you and a celeb. I said it, you know it's true. It goes both ways. If you have a partner, you can take turns taking pics.

This is actually my second time attending fashion week alone, though good for my personal brand development...it will likely be my last.

4. Brain Candy
- I'm reading a book called Somebody Else's Daughter...have been reading it for almost two weeks and am starting to fear that it has no climax. Do you know how difficult it is to ride the subway with no phone signal, no Wi-Fi and a dull fiction novel? What's more depressing is that I can't seem to put it down...yet, it's not a page turner. In other words...I'm curious though not engaged. Bottom line...always have a good book on hand.

5. Day to night wardrobe-
This has been a challenge for me. I can be traditional, in a sense that I like wearing bright, fun colors during the day and darker, more serious tones at night. That said, I've done my best (sometimes succeeding and sometimes...well...not) to wear outfits that allow me to cover shows at Lincoln Center during the day, and hop over to swanky, cocktail events at night. As always, I recommend to just do you....but be prepared for what the night may bring.

This is all I have for now lovelies, but with three more days ahead- I'm sure there's much more to be learned. Stay tuned...@ashleyrsmall;)!

Special thanks to Kevin Jeffries of Status Management Group who invited me to fashion week to cover the shows on behalf of his company. Here's a link to learn more about his work: http://statusmanagementgroup.blogspot.com/.

Girl Power: Kim Crowder

Posted by Unknown at 11:02 AM

Ever meet someone who is exactly the same person online as they are in person? You follow their tweets, check out their Facebook posts and frequent their blog...sincerely hoping that the person behind the screen is equally as cool and wise as they appear to be online.

Introducing Kim Crowder, musician, former PR gal and writer. In an nutshell, her life rocks. She's recently decide to go against the grain by relocating, pursuing her dream and living on purpose. I admire her courageous spirit and wonder how many women are straddling the fence of comfort and purpose. 

Keep an eye on her lovelies...I'm certain this is just the beginning of her journey of self discovery.

Q. Describe your personal style and personal brand:
A. Wow, this is a tough question since I don’t know that I’ve ever really thought about either of these in depth, LOL. In thinking about my personal style, it changes from time to time. The words I’ve heard people describe my style as most is funky and glam…I also like to be classy when it makes since, however, I usually throw on some wild colored lipstick, shoes or accessory, which is probably my way of keeping it edgy. 
Q. What is your #1 passion and why?
A. Outside of God, definitely music, specifically singing. I’ve always loved music since I was a kid, and not just one genre. I studied classically in high school and college, was in school and church choirs growing up, sang in talent shows; I’ve done it all. It’s almost like with music, it’s God’s gift to me, so I really have no choice – it’s unavoidable.
Q. In a few words, why do you feel that it's important for musicians to embrace social media?
A. For one thing, it’s free publicity and promotions. You pretty much have the world at your fingertips without having to hire someone off the bat to do this for you, and with so many different social media outlets, you can tap into different demographics easily. Also, with the push back from music lovers and artists on large record labels, you find many artists creating their own path via social media. We saw this at this past year’s Grammy's when Esperanza Spalding and Arcade Fire won the big awards of the night. Both of their careers are largely based on their success through social media.
Q. How do you achieve work/life balance?
A. Ugh…I’ll have to confess that I haven’t been known to be the best at this. In my last corporate job, I had to really push myself to draw lines, especially with having a company Blackberry. I think fighting to overcome my “Superwoman complex” and coming to the realization that I can’t be everywhere all the time helped me to resolve that adults really can handle things if I pull away and allow them to; however, if I keep being there, they’ll continue to lean on me since that’s the precedence I’ve set for them. At one point, my old boss literally told me I needed to, “let go and let God,” LOL, so I took a vacation to Hawaii. Making sure I don’t neglect my hobbies and relationships are great buffers for creating balance as well.  
Q. What's on your radar? What's next?
A. Well, I just made a major life change, which was moving out of Texas. I’ve lived in Houston just about my entire life and wanted to explore living in other parts of the country. For now, I am house sitting for my dad in a tiny town in VA while I plot my next move. The town is gorgeous with amazing views of the mountains, lots of greenery, cool breezes and friendly faces; really a slow, peaceful place. I currently write about music for the Houston Chronicle and CultureMap Houston, am catching up on writing on my blog melodiesofme.wordpress.com about jazz and my journey to pursue my dream of singing, hitting the books to brush up on my music theory and charting out my next path. I’m asking God for guidance, so I’ve got a feeling it’s gonna be good!

To keep up with Kim, follow her on Twitter at @kim_crowder and check out her blog at http://melodiesofme.wordpress.com.

Organic PR through Social Media and Branding

Posted by Unknown at 8:17 PM

This post was inspired by a tweet by my friend and media professional, Tamara Floyd. Tamara referred to me as a "Good example of a publicist doing their own PR," on Twitter a few weeks ago (I'm still blushing, seriously;).

I was honored to be included as an example, and was grateful for the observation, as it provided me an opportunity to reflect on what was really going on here. What was my uncultivated strategy and how was I measuring it? My response to her was that most of these opportunities are a result of using social media daily. I wanted to expand on my response, but obviously couldn't fully express myself in 140 characters- and to use an app such as Twitlonger would have been a total hypocrisy of what I do...so...here we arrive.
Here are my 4 tips on creating organic PR opportunities through social media and branding:
1. Be Consistent in Branding- Determine the three things you want to become known for and create interesting updates that relate to those things. Because social media is often the first, lasting and only impression thousands of people will have of you, it's important that you leave a memorable one through your updates. When they think of you, they think of _______, _______ & _______?
2. Engage- The biggest mistake I've seen on social media is when people use social media solely for the purpose of self-promotion. Whether you like it or not, people are online to interact. Engage with your audience. Ask interesting questions and return the favor by answering interesting questions that are posted by your friends/followers.
3. Remember to Personal Brand- We're now in an era where audiences wants to know the person behind the brand. Take, for example The Old Spice Guy or theDKNY Girl, these are people (or, in the case of The Old Spice Guy...characters) with interesting lives, commentary and opinions. Much like in real life, people want to know what new restaurant you think is worth trying or what you're dealing with on a personal level...and to my surprise, people love to hear about love stories.
While I do caution you to have boundaries on how much of your personal life is worth divulging- keep in mind that people want to know that your purpose is to do more than promote who you are, as a professional. They want to know you.
4. Be Authentic- I would never recommend aggressively pursuing the media on social media for press opportunities. Tagging, posting on their wall, tweeting @ them- is all a bit invasive. I do think those relationships should still be established in person, on the phone or through email.
Don't post with the goal in mind to secure a media placement. Post to share information, inspire others and occassionally, brag on yourself. I got over the fear of sounding self-absorbed a long time ago...it's the nature of what we do. I spend a great deal of my time bragging on my clients, my team and the successes we share. I spend equal amounts of time sharing knowledge and asking questions.
Good luck out there! We're in a brilliant place for media and PR right now and there are plenty of opportunities to be seized.

Update: Life as a Non-Consumer

Posted by Unknown at 9:29 PM
As most of you know, I decided to give up shopping in December of last year with the goal in mind to invest more in my business, travel and just to have an overall enhanced quality of life.

It's been a fun and creative experience, pushing me to recycle, reuse and refurbish. Big time. Jeans have turned into shorts, skirts have turned into dresses and slips have turned into camisoles. No joke.

As a result, here are the goals I've met so far...obviously my personal life deserves a bit more attention. Such is the life of an entrepreneur...

1. Went to LA for Retail Camp in April
2. Redesigned the Medley business cards
3. Moved Medley into an office space!!!
4. Redesigned the Medley newsletter

1. Going to Nevis and St. Kitts in July

Here are some collages of me making my wardrobe work for me;).

Skirts turned into dresses. Perhaps my favorite fashion-refurbishing technique.

I live for girlie, unique skirts. Every girl should own a few. 

From left:

This yellow skirt was once my grannies. I had it taken in a bit...sadly I ruined it in the washer since then. But it.was.EVERYthing.

The turquoise skirt used to be a huuuge, floor length skirt also belonging to my granny, but Uche (the miracle worker) shortened it, added some pockets and a cute little heart-shaped button on the side. It's quite possibly my favorite summer skirt.

The middle skirt was a gift courtesy of my friend, Andy. I matched it with a full body slip-turned camisole. Was rushing to get dressed on my birthday and couldn't find a blouse to save my life. Grabbed the scissors...and viola!

The final dress on the far right is a classic from Village Girls Boutique. I bought it about 5 years ago when I was just starting with JONES as an intern. Ha! Seems so long ago. I bought it for an event we were hosting. I'm happy to say that I now know how to wear it, and the few pounds I've picked up really make a difference.

Thanks for joining me along the way...I appreciate all of my girlfriends for NOT tempting me with impulsive shopping sprees. By the end of the year I hope to visit NY a few times, redesign the Medley website and take at least two trips out of the country...we shall see;)!

2+6 Reasons to Be Grateful

Posted by Unknown at 3:27 AM

I suppose I'm getting up there in age. And I'm overly caffeinated and super emotional and tried really hard to avoid going all "Oprah" on ya'll with this post. You know what I mean. Oprah's reflective, inspiring and predictably cheesy...but I adore her.

Anyway, my birthday is in 3 days and as much I wanted to get on my soap box and talk about "26 steps to successfully running a business," or "26 reasons you should be marketing online"- the Oprah in me is dying to use this post as a platform to show appreciation. And yes, I do realize I took a short cut (2+6 opposed to 26) but it's 5 am and my brain and body is over me and this insomnia. So...

1. Forgiveness- This might sound odd, but a former client who (in my mind) was....errr...mad at me (for lack of better words) has recently been sending me new business leads regularly. Forgiveness may not be the right word. Perhaps I was being Presumptuous.

2. Paper- I can always count on my friend Shan or my wedding photographer Carli to brighten my day with a "just because" postcard or thank you note. In the mailbox. Remember those?

3. Irony- Oh boy, these past few months have been full of irony. My life has been grand, but...put it like this: Most "girly girls" would've had a nervous breakdown by now. Thank God for humbling experiences and opportunities to grow. I am SO Richard and Beverly's daughter.

4. Family- Really having an Oprah moment now. Refuse to cry though. My family is everything...and I mean EVERYthing. Does everyone's family just feel like love and pure joy? Man...

5. Mentors- Mentors are so very necessary. Especially ones who truly believe in their heart that you're meant to be exceptional. And ones who refuse to let you get too comfortable...and even the ones who remind you just how small your piece of the pie is in this competitive market.

6. Spiritual Freedom- Me and my hubs finally became members of Southpoint Church. The first church we both agree on and the first church where I feel totally comfortable with my spirituality. Funny thing is, the idea of "better than" or in other words "more highly favored," has seemed to permeate onto social media networks...new post....'nother day. Had a non-Oprah moment:).

7. Friends- As I mentioned in my New Years post earlier this year, I only have a few. But the few I have are dynamic, inspiring, loyal and so incredibly authentic.

8. Love- True love and unconditional friendship can only be the work of God. He reveals to me what love truly is every day.

TweetCap: Greater Houston Conference for Women

Posted by Unknown at 8:11 AM
Hi friends!
So if you've been following my tweets, you know that I'm in Lala land (Los Angeles, CA) attending Retail Camp hosted by Fashionably Marketing.Me. And if you've been following my tweets you know that I frequently stalk Fashionably Marketing and am constantly in awe of the knowledge shared and original perspectives on the blog...but that's not what this post is about:).

The point in this ramble is that I want to assure you that I have not forgotten about updating you on on the Greater Houston Conference for Women presented by the Greater Houston Women's Chamber of Commerce. I've been running since the event and (shameless plug) was interviewed by Fox 26, and am literally sitting in on a panel discussion in LA as we speak.

So...below is my tweetcap (tweetcap- a word and strategy that I so thought was original, but nah, not the case, but will use nonethless) from the Greater Houston Conference for Women on Tuesday April 6th at the Westin Galleria.

To learn more about the Greater Houston Women's Chamber of Commerce, visit www.ghwcc.org.

Have a lovely day!

The Almost Lost Evidence: My One on One with Michaela Angela Davis

Posted by Unknown at 8:41 PM

On Friday, February 24th Creative Producer, Speaker and Writer Michaela Angela Davis was the featured spokesperson for one of Texas Southern Universities T.I.G.E.R. Project events. The T.I.G.E.R. project is a mentoring program geared towards helping students make the transition to college and take full advantage of college life.

While at the event I had the pleasure of sitting down with Michaela for a brief, yet insightful Q&A- but oh how the D7 failed us. Or perhaps we failed ourselves. Whatever the case, the footage was lost and I spent about 3 days sulking and trying to recollect some of the wisdom imparted on me and the other young adults who attended the event.

Not one to give up easily, I started digging and was able to locate a few shots of Michaela and I during our chat. I also was able to locate some of the quoted tweets I shared during the event.

Michaela was refreshing, inspiring and her words were beyond necessary. As I write this post, I'm recovering from a foolish incident where a "voice" in our community had nothing but ill, damaging words to share with our youth.

As I'm writing this I keep reminding myself that women like Michaela do exist. Women who see our generation as (in her words), "beautiful, genius...the Obama generation." I also had to remind the "voice" of exactly who he was dealing with. I'm pretty sure he wasn't aware of my rockstar-ness until I gave it to to him straight. It felt good to brag a bit.

I look forward to gaining the type of wisdom and commitment to the "revolution of love" that Michaela seems to own. I can only hope to not only look as fabulous as her, but also to BE as fabulous as her. Her energy, awareness and intellect are just too fabulous. These are the type of moments that re-energize me and assure me that life is full of perfectly timed rewards. I'm grateful, and honored and humbled. See below for the Twitter snippets of Michaela's keynote address.

And of course this last tweet brightened my day...humbling experience, indeed...

Stay positive love bugs;)!

Girl Power: Nyala Wright

Posted by Unknown at 11:11 AM
While Houston is an amazing, emerging, southern city- I sometimes find my mind drifting and asking about the "what ifs" as it relates to packing it up and moving to another major market. But then I run into someone who reminds me of New York because of their unique style, LA because of their contagious energy and Paris because of their international perspectives. Nyala Wright is the Associate Director of Fundraising at the Houston Center for Contemporary Craft and reminds me that Houston is just getting started and there is much, so much to appreciate about this southern gem. Get to know her...

Q. Describe your personal style and personal brand:  

A. My personal brand reflects fearlessness when it comes to putting things together. Down home and urban, I am definitely a southern girl with a Brooklyn sensibility. My parents grew up in Detroit and witnessed the black power movement, but my brother and I grew-up in the ultra-conservative Houston of the 80's. I spent most of my twenties living in Brooklyn, so I'm gumbo when in comes to thought and action. The more ingredients you put in, the more flavor you get out. 
Q. What do you love most about Houston?  

A. Houston is fertile ground. Certainly more than any major city in the country, Houston is resilient and only at the beginning of its maturation as a world-class leader in arts, culture, and commerce. There is so much work to be done to get there, and it's just job security for those of us invested in the city's future. It's thrilling to be in Houston right now, because it really is a world stage for the unforeseen and unforeheard. There is nothing more exciting to me than the prospect of doing what's never been done, and Houston represents that to me.

Q.  In a few words, why do you feel that it's important for the non-profit sector to embrace social media?  

A. Although technology changes, our souls never do. We all want to be connected to each other and feel like unique individuals within a unified group and social media is the current platform at our disposal. It is essential that the non-profit sector embrace social media because it provides an inexpensive way to communicate with the masses. An organization's ability to communicate its unique mission in an exciting, attractive and memorable way determines its ability to grow, thrive, and succeed.

How do you achieve work, life, balance?  

A. Eat, love, pray.  Not necessarily in that order.  Seriously, it's a daily struggle. 

Q. What's on your radar? What's next?  

A.  As Associate Director of Fundraising for www.crafthouston.org, I am working on a year's worth of events celebrating the center's 10th anniversary season. It will culminate with the already infamous Martini Madness cocktail fundraiser on  September 22, 2011. In my 'spare' time, I am also hosting a fundraiser with Joy Sewing for workshophouston.org on April 2, 2011 that will feature the creative talents of the children involved in their after-school programs and professional Houston artists like The Kracker Nuttz and Charles Criner. And I am really happy to be working with David Anderson and Donnie Scantz to bring Houston's own Robert Glasper Experiment to Bambou in Rice Village on March 17, 2011. It's going to be a spectacular concert. Busy calendar. Full heart. Happy life. Next, is figuring out the right opportunity to collaborate with Medley.

Of course, I'm beyond excited about the possibility of collaborating with Ms. Wright. In the short time I've known her, she's been willing to share knowledge and wisdom, and has "schooled" me on all sorts of cool brain candy:). To keep up with Nyala on the social circuit follow her on Twitter at @BossyWoman.

No Longer a Victim...of Retail Therapy

Posted by Unknown at 10:03 PM
It's been over 38 days since I've last been a victim of the shopping racks. Proud of myself is an understatement..surprised would be my choice descriptor. I'm surprised that I've gone this long without the slightest urge to spend. Not the slightest.

I want to travel and invest in my business...and travel. So my two cents to anyone battling with financial decisions is to seriously. Seriously. Take some time to prioritize...can't take the shiny things with you when the curtains close, and you'd be surprised by how fly some of those pieces you haven't touched in years look with the right accessory or when rocked with confidence.

That said, I'm awful at remembering to take pictures of my vintage pieces, pre-alterations. But just imagine big, bulky pieces made for women much more curvy, taller, thicker than lil ol' me and check out the below "after" shots. Picture these gems accessorized (it's near my bed time, so it ain't happenin').

Uche Egele is a fashion designer and my go-to-gal for revamped pieces...I haven't quite figured out how I'll manage to survive when she goes off to school at FIDM in the fall. But while she's here, hit her up on Twitter at @FashunMogul2b or via email at um.egele@yahoo.com. She.Is.Everything.

This lovely vest is something I found at a thrift store last year for less than 5 bucks (I never spend more than $5 on an item at a thrift store), bought some new buttons from Hobby Lobby, got it taken in a bit and voila!

Ha! This was actually my brothers suit jacket from when he was like 4. He's now 27. I love it, it's unbelievably difficult to find tailored jackets for my frame. We cut the sleeves some because they were cutting off my circulation;).

This is my Jackie Kennedy jacket. I will be spotted in this many times. A thrift store find from like 2 years ago...got it taken in and been in love ever since.

I'm a skirt gal...big time. This used to belong to my great-grandma, who had a waist as small as mine and...you know the rest. Granny was bad to the bone. We were able to keep the pockets, and it actually gives the illusion that I have hips! Ha!

The back. Love the unassuming slit.

Stay tuned..perhaps I'll remember to do the before shots next time.